[GLOSS 2024] 4th : 2024.6.5.(수) 16:00 | ||
GLObal Scholar Seminar (GLOSS) for Emerging Semiconductor, Display, Automobile, and Energy ■ 일시: 2024.6.5.(수) 16:00~ ■ 장소: 신소재공학관 418호 ■ 연사: Dr. Janghyun Jo (Ernst Ruska-Centre for Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Electrons (ER-C)) ■ 강연주제: Characterization of materials using in-situ biasing with advanced transmission electron microscopy
이전글 | [GLOSS 2024] 3rd : 2024.5.16.(목) 16:00 | |
다음글 | [GLOSS 2024] 5th : 2024.6.7.(금) 16:00 |